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Error: The Web Server Has Been Locked Down and Is Blocking the DEBUG Verb

I got this error while trying to run the program. After pressing F5 I received a popup that was showing that This message "The Web Server Has Been Locked Down and Is Blocking the DEBUG Verb". After searching net, i found the below solution.

Steps to correct the error.

Follow steps: 1) Open UrlScan.ini file in notepad.It will be in window drive in window folder (C:\WINDOWS\system32\inetsrv\urlscan\UrlScan.ini) - Take backup of your file before change

2) Find [AllowVerbs]

3) Check if there is written DEBUG

4) If not then write :) Done

After written It will be like:



Now run Visual Studio and site. It will run properly.

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Rohit kakria
I am software developer
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