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Installation Steps of Visual Studio

There are 3 types of versions are available in market. Express: This is free version and can be downloaded from Microsoft website
Enterprise Edition:

How to install version 2003(1.1 framework)

You will have to 3 Cd's for installation.

a) Prerequisite Cd
b) CD1
c) CD2

1. First insert the CD1. A screen will appear where you can see the installation components.
2. Click on install prerequisite.
3. A popup will be appear for path.
4. Now put in the Prerequisite cd. and give the path to popup appeared in last step.
5. Installation will start. it may ask for CD key then insert the key. Click next then install.
6. After completion of installation the CD1 . a message will appear to insert the cd2.
7. Now insert the CD2 in cdrom. Now click OK on message box appeared in last step.
8. After completion of CD2.
Now .Net1.1 is installed.

To run website on .net you need to install the IIS. Installation steps are given here

How to install version 2005(2.0 framework)

You will have to 2 Cd's for installation.

a) CD1
b) CD2

1. First insert the CD1. 2. After click on Next button you may be ask for CD key, then insert the key. Click next then install.
3. Installation will start(it will ask for custome settings and location change for installation/In which drive you want to install. 4. After completion of installation the CD1 . a message will appear to insert the cd2.
5. Now insert the CD2 in cdrom. Now click OK on message box appeared in last step.
6. After completion of CD2.
Now .Net2.0 is installed.

To run website on .net you need to install the IIS. Installation steps are given here

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Rohit kakria
I am software developer, moderator of
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