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List tag

List is used to show the items list wise. if we want to show some items under a heading then we may use list there.

There are two type of list in html. 1) Ordered list 2) Unordered list

Ordered list: denotes with <ol></ol> Unordered list denotes with <ul></ul>

        <strong>Ordered list</strong>
<li>This is first list.</li>
<li>This is second list.</li>
<strong>Unordered list</strong>
<li>This is first list.</li>
<li>This is second list.</li>

The output will :

List Image

Definition List

In definition list we can give the definition of the list and can give the header of list. list header will come with <dl> and list will come with <dd>

        <html xmlns="">
<title>Definition List</title>
<dt> -</dt>
1. tutorials, CSS, ajax, c#, design pattrens
2. tutorials, CSS, ajax, c#, design pattrens
<br />
<br />
<dt>HTML -</dt>
1. Knowledge
2. World is now here
Will have output:

Definition List

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Rohit kakria
I am software developer, moderator of
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