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.NET interview questions: - How can we improve performance of .NET?

Below are some common points you can remember. List is endless but I do not want to make it long, so that you can remember important ones.

  • Use string builder for concatenation rather than string when concatenation huge string values.
  • Avoid boxing / unboxing, use generics.
  • Avoid writing in line SQL queries use stored procedures.
  • Choose your indexes (clustered and non-clustered) properly. 
  • Use Caching for data which will not change frequently.
  • In ASP.NET use output cache directive for page level caching.
 Also see following .NET interview questions video on how to check assembly manifest for supported CLR version: -

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Shivprasad koirala Koirala
I am a Microsoft MVP for ASP/ASP.NET and currently a CEO of a small E-learning company in India. We are very much active in making training videos , writing books and corporate trainings. Do visit my site for .NET, C# , design pattern , WCF , Silverlight , LINQ , ASP.NET , ADO.NET , Sharepoint , UML , SQL Server training and Interview questions and answers
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