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C# and ASP.NET MVC (Model view controller) interview questions and answers: - How can we restrict MVC actions to be invoked only by GET or POST?

We can decorate the MVC action by “HttpGet” or “HttpPost” attribute to restrict the type of HTTP calls. For instance you can see in the below code snippet the “DisplayCustomer” action can only be invoked by “HttpGet”. If we try to make Http post on “DisplayCustomer” it will throw a error.


        public ViewResult DisplayCustomer(int id)


            Customer objCustomer = Customers[id];


            return View("DisplayCustomer",objCustomer);


  Below is an important c# interview question and answers video 

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Shivprasad koirala Koirala
I am a Microsoft MVP for ASP/ASP.NET and currently a CEO of a small E-learning company in India. We are very much active in making training videos , writing books and corporate trainings. Do visit my site for .NET, C# , design pattern , WCF , Silverlight , LINQ , ASP.NET , ADO.NET , Sharepoint , UML , SQL Server training and Interview questions and answers
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