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What are various types of arrays? Explain them

Arrays can of following types:

1. One dimensional (1-D) arrays or Linear arrays
2. Multi dimensional arrays
(a) Two dimensional (2-D) arrays or Matrix arrays
(b) Three dimensional arrays

1. One dimensional (1-D) arrays or Linear arrays:

In it each element is represented by a single subscript. The elements are stored in consecutive memory locations. E.g. A [1], A [2], ….., A [N].

2. Multi dimensional arrays:
(a) Two dimensional (2-D) arrays or Matrix arrays:

In it each element is represented by two subscripts. Thus a two dimensional m x n array A has m rows and n columns and contains m*n elements. It is also called matrix array because in it the elements form a matrix. E.g. A [2] [3] has 2 rows and 3 columns and 2*3 = 6 elements.

(b) Three dimensional arrays:
In it each element is represented by three subscripts. Thus a three dimensional m x n x l array A contains m*n*l elements. E.g. A [2] [3] [2] has 2*3*2 = 12 elements.

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Rohit kakria
I am software developer
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