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Difference between QuickTest Professional 9.1 and 9.2 and lower versions

QuickTest Professional 9.1 provides replay support for Mozilla Firefox 1.5 and Mozilla Firefox 2.0
QuickTest Professional 9.1 will not record on FireFox. You can record a test on Microsoft Internet Explorer and run it on any other supported browser, such as FireFox.

QuickTest Professional 9.0
QuickTest Professional 9.0 provides replay support for Mozilla FireFox 1.5
QuickTest Professional 9.0 will not record on FireFox. You can record a test on Microsoft Internet Explorer and run it on any other supported browser, such as FireFox.

QuickTest Professional 8.2 and below
QuickTest Professional 8.2 and below do not have support for Firefox.

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Rohit kakria
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