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Create queries of database tables with its data (Microsoft SQL Server Database Publishing Wizard 1.1 )

Some time you may have situation that you need to import the data from sql server. If you are using enterprise edition or developer edition, then it have facility to import the data, but if you are using sql express edition, there is no inbuilt functionality, For this purpose you may use the Data Publishing Wizard. Below are the steps to install this software utility,

Sql Server 2005 Express edition: Download the software from below link and install.

If you have sql 2008 express edition then it is necessary to install some small packs before you start installation.

Install Microsoft SQL Server Native Client (for 2005) Size : (3516 KB - 32 bit) and (6403 KB - 64 bit) - go on page

- search "SQL Server Native Client " and install x86 if you are running on 32 bit or x64 if you are running 64 bit

After that install Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Management Objects Collection Size (9529 KB - 32 bit) and (14963 KB - 64 bit)

After step a and b, now you are ready to install Database publishing wizard

Run the Microsoft SQL Server Database Publishing Wizard 1.1 msi file (DatabasePublishingWizard.msi, size : 2.1 MB)

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Rohit kakria
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