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HTML Basic

HTML is used to create the web pages on web. An HTML file must have an htm or html file extension. HTML can be create with simple text editor like notepad. There are another Editors available also. Dreamweaver Frontpage In .net itself a good support for html with intellisence. intellisense is the facility given by softwares. It shows the properties supported by tag. Later on we will discuss detail about this.

There are head section and body section which we use for contents.

Head section - This section can contain very useful information of page. It can contains the meta tags, scripts, stylesheets, javascript file references, stylesheet files references.

Body section - In this sectin every thing presents which we can see on the web page. It can contains image references, contents, headings, div, tables, paragraph etc.

Basic tags are :
<title>Here comes the title of page </title>
Here the body of page will come. Body include tables, div,
contents etc.

Example 1

<title> </title>
Hello world.

Write this code in notepad and save as myfirstpage.html Now open in html and you will see the text written in body on your page. The body part will be shown on page. There are different tags which we are using in this example.
Example 2
<title> </title>
Hello world. <br/>
<strong>This text will appear in bold</strong>
-- Tags which we are using :
        title - Used for text which shows in title bar
br - Used to break in new line
strong - Used for show text in bold.

Remember we place all tags in <> brackets.
Every tag should have closing tag.
For closing tag we will write </tag name>
HTML is not case sensitive. So we can write in upper case also.

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Rohit kakria
I am software developer, moderator of
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