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Linux Hosting V/s Windows Hosting

I have written this article specially for developer point of view. This article will be useful for fresher, professional, any one who makes websites. This article will be helpful to those consultants or persons who are going for a website. Before creating a website there is necessary to decide the platform of website. There are two common types of platforms these days:

(1) Window hosting
(2) Linux hosting

Window hosting is that which supports hosting for websites which are created in ASP, ASP.Net, share point, Nuke etc (Databases include Microsoft Sql server, Access), CMS (Umbraco, kentico, n2cms, sitecore). Window is developed by Microsoft. Usually window hosting is expensive than linux. Any hosting service provider, who is providing the window hosting, needs to take license from Microsoft.

In the opposite of window hosting, linux hosting is less expensive. Person/ Administrator can upload files via command line. On linux hosting websites created in PHP (most common language used), CMS (Joomla, Magento, Wordpress, Drupal, Frog CMS, SilverStripe, Mambo, TYPOlight, Concrete5, Textpattern, Symphony, MODx, Habari Project, CMS Made Simple, ImpressCMS, Exponent CMS, MiaCMS, Jojo CMS, TYPO3, Elxis CMS, Chyrp). Usually MySql is used with php.

Note: I have tried to explain concept of hosting and its softwares, cms etc. I provided from best of my knowledge. If any one who is going to develop any software, consult to consultant. Kindly excuse and highlight if my provided information is not correct.

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Rohit kakria
I am software developer
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