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What is the difference between Linked List and Linear Array?

S. No. Array Linked List
1. Insertions and deletions are difficult. Insertions and deletions can be done easily.
2. It needs movements of elements for insertion and deletion. It does not need movement of nodes for insertion and deletion.
3. In it space is wasted. In it space is not wasted.
4. It is more expensive. It is less expensive.
5. It requires less space as only information is stored. It requires more space as pointers are also stored along with information.
6. Its size is fixed. Its size is not fixed.
7. It can not be extended or reduced according to requirements. It can be extended or reduced according to requirements.
8. Same amount of time is required to access each element. Different amount of time is required to access each element.
9. Elements are stored in consecutive memory locations. Elements may or may not be stored in consecutive memory locations.
10. If have to go to a particular element then we can reach there directly. If we have to go to a particular node then we have to go through all those nodes that come before that node.

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Rohit kakria
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