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How to embedd Google search engine

If you have a website and you want to create search engine for static contents. Then you can create the google search engine which will also search your website contents and you can also make money with that search engine.

To create search engine for static contents of your website. Go following steps:

Go to following url:

Now go on shown in screen:

Now click on Iframe and get the code and for search box and search result page.

Click on look and feel Page as shown in screen 5.

Paste the search box page code (after inserting the page name where you will paste the search result code) on page and you can search.

You can also remove the ads from the search results. Click on Basic in left navigation and select the Advertising status Do not show ads on results pages (for registered non-profits, universities, and government agencies only).

Later on you can make an account in google adsense and get the money from search.

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Rohit kakria
I am software developer
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