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Articles in May of year 2012

Java Training: -Show Service Loader in Java?
What is Service loader in Java? Service Loader is a new class added in Java 1.6 and it provides good means of developing loosely coupled application. It allows us to link an interface to a particular implementation at run time based on configuration thus providing us with loose coupling It also provides a sort of Dependency Injection (DI) though not as powerful as Spring framework but does provide a good facility in case you don’t require a full blown DI feature. Also various design
c# Interview question :- what is the difference between Mutex and Lock/Monitor ?
Lock and Monitor helps to apply thread lock for request emerging from within the process, if you want to apply thread lock for request coming from outside process we need to use Mutex. See the following video on Const and Readonly in C#: - Click to get c# interview question Regards, Get more c# interview question from author’s blog
UML Training: - Explain in all types of diagrams in UML (Unified Modeling Language)?
There are nine types of diagrams in UML:- Use case diagram: They describe "WHAT" of a system rather than "HOW" the system does it. They are used to identify the primary elements and processes that form the system. The primary elements are termed as "actors" and the processes are called "use cases". Use Case diagrams shows "actors" and there "roles". Class diagram: From the use case diagram, we can now go to detail design of system, for which the primary step is class diagram. Th
Java Training: -How will you explain JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) and its different section?
JAVA interacts with database using a common database application programming interface called as JDBC. JDBC allows a developer to write applications that is database independent. So the developer will be interacting with JDBC API rather than getting in to complications of the database.JDBC allows you to write Java code, and leave the platform (database) specific code to the driver. JAVA was designed to be platform independent and JDBC takes java one step ahead making java database code database
C# Training: - Explain various types of IIS isolation levels?
IIS has three level of isolation:- LOW (IIS process):- In this main IIS, process, and ASP.NET application run in same process. So if any one crashes the other is also affected. Example let us say (well this is not possible) I have hosted yahoo, hotmail .amazon and goggle on a single PC. So all application and the IIS process runs on the same process. In case any website crashes, it affects everyone. Figure: - LOW IIS process scenario Medium (Pooled):- In Medium pooled scenario
Java Training: -Elaborate taglib directives?
Taglib are also termed as JSP tag extensions. They provide a way of encapsulating reusable functionality on JSP pages. One of the biggest drawbacks of scripting environments such as JSP is that it's easy to get carried away without thinking about how it will be maintained and grown in the future. For example, the ability to generate dynamic content by using Java code embedded in the page is a very powerful feature of the JSP specification. Custom tags allow such functionality to be encapsulated
ASP.Net Interview questions: - Difference between ‘Server. Transfer’ and ‘response.Redirect’?
Following are the major differences between them:- ‘Response. Redirect’ sends message to the browser saying it to move to some different page, while server. Transfer does not send any message to the browser but rather redirects the user directly from the server itself. So in ‘server. Transfer’ there is no round trip while ‘response. Redirect’ has a round trip and hence puts a load on server. Using ‘Server. Transfer’ you cannot redirect to a different from the server itself. Example if you
SET ANSI_NULLS explanation
his option specifies the setting for ANSI NULL comparisons. When this is on, any query that compares