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Articles in January of year 2012

SQL Server interview questions: - Explain stateless and stateful load balancing?
Following way you can answer this SQL Server interview questions . Stateless load balancer Stateless load balancer uses the hashing algorithm. It takes packet from the client and selects fields from the packet to be hashed. For instance from each client it can take IP address and port number and hash them in to an integer between 1 to number of servers. You can see from the figure we have four servers. So the load balancer takes the IP address and port and hashes them with a number b
.NET interview questions: - Mention interfaces in details with examples?
This is the basic and all time favorite .NET interview questions asked in the start or during the interview by the interviewer. So start with the definition & use an example to express the fundamental of the topic in more detail. In real world interface allows two disparate/ different objects to communicate with each other. For instance a human is a very different object when compared to television object. But they can still use the remote control interface to communicate with each oth
Java interview questions: - Different types of inner classes?
Following are the different types of inner classes in Java interview questions. Nested top-level classes- If you declare a class within a class and specify the static modifier, the compiler treats the class just like any other top-level class Any class outside the declaring class accesses the nested class with the declaring class name acting similarly to a package. eg, outer. Inner Top-level inner classes implicitly have access only to static variables. There can also be i
SQL Server interview questions: - Elaborate Fragmentation in SQL Server?
This is the SQL Server interview questions which are asked during the interview not so frequent. But still go through it once before going for the interview. Speed issues occur because of two major things Fragmentation. Splits. Splits have been covered in the first questions. But one other big issue is fragmentation. When database grows it will lead to splits, but what happens when you delete something from the database…HeHeHe life has lot of turns right. Ok let’s say you
Java/J2EE interview questions: - Explain singleton in a clustered environment?
In clustering there are multiple J2EE containers running on multiple JVM'S as a Result maintaining singleton is possible with following steps 1) RMI singleton object is created on only one container 2) Stubs of the same are registered in the cluster by adding the same in JNDI Name tree, thus making itself available to entire cluster The disadvantage of the above approach as follows: 1) In case the singleton has not been created then the container created one Adds the same to JNDI. I
Project management: .NET interview questions – Explain ROI?
This is a typical management type .NET interview questions asked by the interviewer to test the candidate’s skill on management. ROI is a measurement by which we can evaluate the financial value organization will gain from the project. ROI can also be used to measure returns from IT department to a company. In this book we will see ROI from the project perspective. Below is a generic formula for ROI: - ROI = (Expected profit in monetary terms / expected cost of the project) * 100 I
Java interview questions: - Explain different types of rowset in java 5?
This is one of the typical Java interview questions asked by the interviewer during the interview session. So one can proceed answering it as follows: - JdbcRowSet: A wrapper around a ResultSet object that makes it possible to use the result set as a JavaBeans component By default all result set are scrollable and updatable CachedRowSet object is a container for rows of data that caches its rows in memory, which makes it possible to operate without always
SQL Server interview questions: - Elaborate two types of indexes and explain them?
This is the SQL Server interview questions most asked during the interview so do revise before you go for the interview. There are basically two types of indexes:- Clustered Indexes. Non-Clustered Indexes. Every thing is same for both the indexes i.e. it uses “B-TREE” for searching data. However, the main difference is the way it stores physical data In clustered index, the non-leaf level actually points to the actual data. Figure: - Clustered Index Architecture
What is Upper bounded wildcards in generics? What is JAR file? What are different types of inner classes? Can we declare an anonymous class as both extending a class and implementing an interface? What is the difference between a static and a non-static inner class? How does Java handle integer overflows and underflows? Does garbage collection guarantee that a program will not run out of memory? What is the purpose of finalization? Can an unreachable object b
.NET interview questions: - Explain project life cycle?
This is basic of .NET interview questions which are mostly asked to 1 year experience and above candidates. So here is a simplified answer we have put in front with a diagram so that you can learn in a more easier manner. Figure: - Life cycle of a project There are five stages of any project initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closeout. These are general phases and change according to domain. Example when writing a book we will have the following mappings initiatin